Absence Procedure

If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please phone the office (07 827 9899 and select Option 2) or e-mail absences@stpeters.school.nz no later than 8.30am.

Absence Procedure

Students arriving late to school must sign in at the Student Reception when they arrive at school. They will be expected to have a note from a parent or an appointment card, or the parent may have made a prior phone call to the School Absences Telephone Message Line or have already notified absence details by email.

Students needing to leave school during the day for an appointment or similar must go to the Student Reception for a leave pass and to sign out and show their appointment card, or have a note to say where they are going or a prior phone call or email must have been received from a parent.

Students leaving school because of sickness need to go to the School Nurse who will contact parents.

For students who are at home sick and cannot come to school, it is a requirement that a parent contact the School at the start of that day by phone message or email, each and every day of their sickness.

Please phone the office (07 827 9899 and select Option 2) or e-mail absences@stpeters.school.nz.

If students are to be taken out of school for a full day or more, Special Leave is to be applied for from the Principal. Requests need to be in at least 2 days prior to the leave and can be sent to through to islays@stpeters.school.nz.